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FYI clact is a well known eBay Award winning seller and fervent support of eBay who provides rather sound eBay selling advice. However, only very very very rarely does he let his enthusiasm run to overflowing and unfettered.
FYI mark-your-word is a Troll.
From eBay Stores Forum
ebay's Paranoia over Google Checkout gets Physical
gone2deriver (0 ) Jun-20-07 01:02 PDT
You know you have an inferior product when your Senior Vice President Chief Marketing Officer along with ebay Security thugs resort to manhandling two kid's at an ebay Live dance because one was wearing a Google sweatshirt.
You think ebay executives like Gary Briggs could spend their time trying to fix the mess that Paypal is and try to compete instead of trying to root out the Google "spies" infiltrating the performance of "Kool and the Gang".
So those of you who accept Google Checkout make sure your doors are locked tonight.... Gary may send his Thugs after you ; )
Here is the blog of the two guys booted telling their story:
And Ina's story:
gone2deriver (0 ) Jun-20-07 01:28 PDT 1 of
The Blogger's have the story.... You think a Chief Marketing Officer would know better:
chopsueysisters (2068 ) Jun-20-07 01:50 PDT 2 of
Let's get physical, physical!
I want to get physical
Let's get into physical!!
I'm going to sing that song all week!
I think ebay emps should search for their paycheck
See if they can find a best match that's appropriate
wayoutwestusa2 (77 ) Jun-20-07 02:58 PDT 3 of
What woulda been hilarious - if Google woulda stood at airport and outside of convention area and given out bags like the ones Alibaba gave out last year. Thousands of ebayers carrying bags with Google logo plastered on them, wandering the halls of eBay Live
minnymalse (679 ) Jun-20-07 03:19 PDT 4 of
Their storefront sounds pretty cool...
clact (3590 ) Jun-20-07 04:00 PDT 5 of
You would think the Google wouldnt need to send such backpack toting dudes since they are so great and the be all and end all of the world. These days a backpack heading into an event protesting can get you held up as a terrorist, no questions asked! (hey I didnt make the rules).
Its funny how Ebay never had to do this kind of stuff at other peoples parties.
Interestingly, while I am always posting about how I think Google's success is overated here I was enlightened with some recent news from a friend..
-Google is moving servers to China (not all of them but some of them.
-Google is ranked LAST in privacy. Getting the only BLACK mark by the watchdog group, while EBay,wikiepedia and the BBC were the only players deemed "privacy aware"
-Google is petitioning the US Govt to allow more foreigners in on work visas so they can hire them. Anyone in tech knows this is how you get high level help on the cheap
-Rumors have it the checkout party wasnt even approved by the top people and resulted in million in lost revenue, there will probably be a little less of a party atmosphere in the toy room at Google.
My point is that it is always easy to knock a company like Ebay by looking at one side of the story.
While I believe Google gets more credit than they deserve business-wise, they do have a strong sense of the environment, did their IPO in a way that allowed retail investors (the small guy)to get in more as opposed to the big boys and I can name many other good things.
So the point is, be the best, do the best you can and the people will come, they dont need people to pass the message by ruining someone elses party..
melrose_stamp (13709 ) Jun-20-07 04:05 PDT 6 of
That blog post was a great read. Perfect guerrila marketing, this kind of thing could make those two superstars.
wayoutwestusa2 (77 ) Jun-20-07 04:29 PDT 7 of
Google is moving servers to China (not all of them but some of them.
From my understanding, theyre not moving servers, but rather simply building more datacenters all over the world.
Theyre building a few new datacenters in the US. They recently bought 520 acres in South Carolina, and just bought 800 acres of land in Oklahoma (in addition to recently buying land in a few other locations in the US)
With that many acres, I feel confident that theyre planning on staying long term. The scary thing is how much land they bought. The sites will start out small (200 employees each) but theyre obviously planning on future growth. And, with all that land, that's a whole lot of room for data that theyre apparently planning on maintaining on each and every one of us.
clact (3590 ) Jun-20-07 04:37 PDT 8 of
Yeah the bloggers have a link to another page where they say they are presenting their idea at eBay Live on June 16th.
Thats fair to all the people that paid to be exhibitors huh?
The drag n drop is fairly cool, bet they would had better luck showing it to people at eBay.
tattered*primitives (322 ) Jun-20-07 05:15 PDT 9 of
Has Google owned up to knowing these people? They may have been on their own campaign and Google may not affiliated with them at all.
dorothysew (803 ) Jun-20-07 05:42 PDT 10 of
-Rumors have it the checkout party wasnt even approved by the top people and resulted in million in lost revenue, there will probably be a little less of a party atmosphere in the toy room at Google
My PR theory abounds? Of course, it would behoove the top people not to know about it now.
monkey*see*monkey*do (Private ) Jun-20-07 05:45 PDT 11 of
Google is petitioning the US Govt to allow more foreigners in on work visas so they can hire them. Anyone in tech knows this is how you get high level help on the cheap
Maybe eBay should do this. eBay could use some high level help and we all know that.
Shortcuts in business will kill you every time and I was raised with the understanding that you do it right the first time or don't bother doing it at all.
Both parties in this situation were wrong. The guys for donning Google shirts and eBay for reacting in such a childish manner. I'm quite sure these weren't the only people with backpacks or bags.
sandrarn83 (2688 ) Jun-20-07 06:00 PDT 12 of
Marty do you realize how ridiculous you come across now? The cheerleader for Ebay can no longer tolerate two kids with Google shirts at a Live function. It's becoming sublime on this boards the lengths you will go.
monkey*see*monkey*do (Private ) Jun-20-07 06:06 PDT 13 of
I have to say that Google has done more for my business than ebay has in 2007.
rickskatie (1669 ) Jun-20-07 06:11 PDT 14 of
Sounds like the kids need a serious civil rights attorney.
sandrarn83 (2688 ) Jun-20-07 06:14 PDT 15 of
You can take that statement to the bank too. How many thousands of dollars has Google saved Bonniesplants this year? Following Bonnie's lead I no longer accept Paypal on my website. Don't feel the need to do so. I have Google to process payments for folks who don't want to offer their credit card info and it's FREE. I get preferential treatment on their search engine rankings too which hold 78% of the market for shoppers.
I am doing just fine with Ebay not paying Google for adwords. It's helping my off Ebay businesses quite nicely thank you. While that lame decision is definitely causing a downturn on the site. You can thank Ebay's management for negatively impacting all the sellers on this site. Besides Google hasn't asked me to make a widget either.
owen*and*emma (3853 ) Jun-20-07 06:48 PDT 16 of
Google is petitioning the US Govt to allow more foreigners in on work visas so they can hire them. Anyone in tech knows this is how you get high level help on the cheap
Maybe eBay should do this. eBay could use some high level help and we all know that.
Actually eBay already does this. When I went to eBay I met many wonderful from all over the entire world.
My group spoke at an employee event. There was a lovely gentleman with a turban in the crowd. I remember how striking he was.
Sadly, a day later he was on the same flight I was on from San Jose to Phoenix. He had a young wife and baby with him. Other passengers became upset and the air marshall (who was SO obvious BTW) had to come and sit behind him to calm the passengers.
I felt horrible for him and his family and wanted to jump up and scream that he worked for eBay.
owen*and*emma (3853 ) Jun-20-07 06:59 PDT 17 of
Oh, and for the record, I would say that it is a 50/50 split between eBay and google for helping me build my business.
unknown-shopper (769 ) Jun-20-07 07:13 PDT 18 of
You would think the Google wouldnt need to send such backpack toting dudes since they are so great and the be all and end all of the world.
I must have missed your proof of them being sent by Google. Would you please repost the link(s)? .
sandrarn83 (2688 ) Jun-20-07 07:57 PDT 19 of
I smell desperation in the air. Desperate and foolish moves on Ebay's part to treat two INVITED vendors this way. I am not sure what type of publicity Ebay expected when they reacted in this manner. I hope Gary got to make that long and painful walk to Meg's office for a much needed lesson in manners. When reading the blog it's obvious that Ebay was not happy with a Google presence. Probably because of the excitement they generated in their sellers. Something that Ebay themselves could not induce at this year's Live event. When you watch the Auctionbytes videos you can gauge for yourself the lackluster applause and the silence in places that Ebay speakers expected rousing cheers. Even Pierre's presence wasn't enough. I hope Ebay Live taught them some painful lessons and definitely some much overdue lessons in etiquette.
postcardsandmore (4309 ) Jun-20-07 08:00 PDT 20 of
When you watch the Auctionbytes videos you can gauge for yourself the lackluster applause and the silence in places that Ebay speakers expected rousing cheers. Even Pierre's presence wasn't enough.
It was very obvious they audience was not the usual cheerful crowd. You would think that would tell them something over at Ebay.
gingersdolls (2716 ) Jun-20-07 08:05 PDT 21 of
Well, at least these guys got some great publicity! I just checked their storebuilder site, and love the drag and drop feature. Why can't eBay do something easy like that for us?
Meg..Get outta my sandbox!
postcardsandmore (4309 ) Jun-20-07 08:17 PDT 22 of
I think Ebay was just jealous. What they are offering is very similar to the widget to go since you can embed it right into your own webspace. And, it appears to work great. I can't wait to learn more.
switchplateplanet (4121 ) Jun-20-07 08:38 PDT 23 of
Marty do you realize how ridiculous you come across now? The cheerleader for Ebay can no longer tolerate two kids with Google shirts at a Live function. It's becoming sublime on this boards the lengths you will go.
Ouch. That wasn't very nice.
sandrarn83 (2688 ) Jun-20-07 09:14 PDT 24 of
If Marty had bothered to actually read the article before he posted he would have realized these were not uninvited gate crashers but invited guests to the event.
I find it offensive that he feels the need to plead the Ebay company line without bothering to actually read the article or check any facts. That's why I called him on the carpet. Not for his views but his one sided determination to maintain the "party line" without bothering to check the facts. Bad manners is still bad manners.
mark-your-word (0 ) Jun-20-07 10:09 PDT 25 of
two words
gone2deriver (0 ) Jun-20-07 10:13 PDT 26 of
I should have read Gary Brigg's pre-ebay Live announcement, now it all makes sense now:
sandrarn83 (2688 ) Jun-20-07 10:19 PDT 27 of
gone2deriver I LOVE IT. Nice job there. Well done. BRAVO.
thewoodlandgirl (Private ) Jun-20-07 10:24 PDT 28 of
The proof is in the puddin so to speak.
Ebay stock under $35
Google stock over $500
clact (3590 ) Jun-20-07 12:03 PDT 29 of
As to the stock , run a comparitive from IPO to now..
Ebay is up 1500% from IPO til now..
Google is up 500% from IPO til now..
Ebay is further along its path and hopefully learned from its many mistakes. Google is on a great path but still is just starting to get challenged and might need to weather some storms to mature.
sandrarn83 (2688 ) Jun-20-07 12:15 PDT 30 of
Marty but Ebay stock has hit it's high and is selling way under it's historical highs. Google is till meeting and making new historical highs. Ebay stock was recently devalued on Wall Street. Google's is not.
It's childish to play Google VS Ebay king of the mountain. It's what's works best that fits your individual selling needs. Right now Google advantages far outweigh anything that Ebay can or has offered to me. Therefore my website has Google features as well as my merchant account. They no longer have any presence on my website. Paypal and I have different views after losing a dispute as a buyer. When you don't receive anything for your money then you won't get my money again. Therefore the $25 dispute I lost has already cost Paypal five to ten times that figure in lost Pro fees. I had plans to offer both Paypal and Google. Now Paypal is eliminated from my site. TSK TSK Ebay now I control the terms not you.
owen*and*emma (3853 ) Jun-20-07 12:42 PDT 31 of
Even if you offered paypal alongside google and a MA, website buyers will not use it. Paypal is an "ebay thing". In the real world of e-commerce buyers expect to pay direct by CC.
sandrarn83 (2688 ) Jun-20-07 13:23 PDT 32 of
Ann Paypal Pro WAS my credit card processor for the website. It acts behind the scenes as the merchant account processing all the credit card sales. Your customers think it's just another MA but it's really Paypal. AuthorizeNet was reactivated and up running in under 24 hours. Thank goodness I still had everything in place. Starting up it would have been cheaper to allow Paypal to do it until the sales were high enough to equalize out the fees. I decided to wack Ebay financially for Paypal's failure to protect my interests as a buyer. I did just that by removing Pro as the processor and Paypal as a payment option. Right now most of my sales are coming from my regular Ebay customers. I wanted to offer Paypal until the newness wore off. Too late now.
*fired-up* (238 ) Jun-20-07 13:25 PDT 33 of
I emailed Alex, aka. the guy with the Google logo on his shirt, and told him he was being discussed here. I also told him I thought it was absurd that he was escorted out of Ebay Live. And by the Sr. VP of Marketing, no less.
I gave him a link to this thread, and he came here and read it. I don't know if he's going to post anything, but he thought this was a great read.
sandrarn83 (2688 ) Jun-20-07 13:28 PDT 34 of
Hopefully it will make their blog. Or at least the link to it.
jtrothaars (693 ) Jun-20-07 14:02 PDT 35 of
Google is petitioning the US Govt to allow more foreigners in on work visas so they can hire them. Anyone in tech knows this is how you get high level help on the cheap
It's not that simple. There aren't enough Americans with the education to perform many high-tech jobs. You can't just take someone who doesn't even understand algebra and train them on the job to be an engineer.
I see this myself at school. The higher I get up in math and computer science courses, the fewer Americans I have as classmates. It's wall-to-wall immigrants. Nothing is stopping Americans from taking these courses. After all, they let me in. Americans are voluntarily choosing to obtain degrees outside of math and the sciences, causing a labor shortage in those areas.
Instead of pushing our children toward the sciences, Americans are instead encouraging them to disavow evolution, believe that the dinosaurs lived together with people, and further to believe that scientists are all evil, godless heathens. Not all Americans think like this, but enough of them do to have created this labor shortage.
A smaller part of the equation involves Americans who have the education but who plain refuse to move where the jobs are, such as the idiots who refuse to leave the San Francisco Bay area and move to, say, North Carolina. They'd rather stay in Cali, be broke, and spend their days whining about how unfair it all is than pack up and move their duffs to where they can obtain gainful employment and have a nice lifestyle. GOD FORBID they can't live in SFO anymore. Living there makes them IMPORTANT.
I'm going to need to borrow your tank.SAVE JERICHO!
We did it! Jericho's back!
See my ME page for details
clact (3590 ) Jun-20-07 15:20 PDT 36 of
Sandram you know I wish you luck no matter where you sell or what payment method you use, hopefully each place will work for you
JRott, I agree to an extent however, there is a history here that people have to understand. During the dot com boom there were plenty of IT people everywhere. Then none could find a job anywhere. One guy , profiled in BusinessWeek a while back had worked in the steel industry and made a great income with great benefits. That industry died when the micro steel mills took over and he retrained in IT and was make 100k plus. Then they outsourced that job to India.
The problem is, all the people making the money get outsourced and all the new people not requiring as much money get pulled in from overseas. This is why there is a shortage to a certain extent.
Its that way with accountants now also. There is a firm that advertises in our CPA bulliten that I can have accountants in India working for me for 7 dollars an hour or less (and this is the middleman figure). So why would I want anyone to work here in the US ? I do not use this service but a lot of people do and some of the bigger firms have not hired as many accounting grads.
Connecticut might not be indicative of the country as a whole but right now a heckuva lot of college grads are coming out with 100k in debt to find nothing jobs. One client that works hiring for a liquor distributor has had tons of applicatations from college grads for 25k a year jobs in sales.
gone2deriver (0 ) Jun-20-07 21:20 PDT 37 of
firemeg adds his two cents:
oldklutz (2675 ) Jun-20-07 22:23 PDT 38 of
So we are supposed to believe what someone says on their blog. Sounds like a good story to end up an urban legend.
So why did it take so long for the word to get out? I would think it would have made news as soon as it happened. Where are the witnesses?
My stars are doing a strip tease....I think that's sexy
catbooks1940s (1169 ) Jun-20-07 22:56 PDT 39 of
i doubt ina would have written about it if she didn't trust her source.
gamerbiz (562 ) Jun-20-07 23:39 PDT 40 of
As to the stock , run a comparitive from IPO to now..
Ebay is up 1500% from IPO til now..
Google is up 500% from IPO til now..
Yeabut, Ebay went public during the dotcom boom when all you needed was just an idea for the stock to appreciate 500% or more and Google is a more recent IPO than Ebay. If I used the same analogy as you, I could claim that a railroad stock my family purchased in 1865 is a better company than Google because it is up 16,000% since it's IPO. Nope, stock prices is all about what have ya done for me lately. Google is the post boom poster child now for success in the Web 2.0 formula. Give eBay credit for SURVIVING the dotcom crash and becoming profitable, but now lets check the reality of the current stock prices...
Wall St. analysts base their internet fortunes and trends on what they call The Big Four:
Google is by far the leader. It is the most profitable, rivaling what Microsoft did in the 80's as far as a monster of a growth potential. (by the way, they probably will never split the stock. The founders and board are VERY envious of what Warren Buffet has done with Berksire Hathaway). Google has a market capitalization, what the company is worth, of 159 BILLION.
Now Amazon has been lagging until this year. The stock shot up, starting in Feb., going from $35 to $70...doubling it's price in less then six months. Wall St. LOVES what Amazon is doing. Amazon has a market cap of about 28 billion. a mess Yahoo has been. The company hasn't really done anything the past three years. They missed out on social networking when they could have bought myspace. They botched getting facebook. They missed getting You Tube...the list goes on and on. Finally, after three years of the stock going nowhere, the shareholders (including finally the institutional holders) revolted, and the CEO resigned this past week. Yahoo stock has been camped in the 20's and it's market cap is 37 billion. we come to Ebay. Ebay is now also entering it's third year of stock depreciation/stagnation. The last year it finished higher in December than January was 2004. Wall St. is now beginning to rumble about them too. Hmmmm...maybe it won't be long before Meg and the gang are asked to step aside. I would say the next six months are VERY crucial to their existence at the helm. They are now under the microscope, so they can't come up with quick cash schemes like 10 cent listing fees. They are now the last of the Big Four that needs change to get back to being a growth stock, and the spotlight is REALLY on them now that Yahoo is changing management and Amazon and Google are growing. Ebay has a market cap of 42 billion
As you can see, Google is a monster. It is larger than Ebay, Amazon and Yahoo combined AND it's reached this level in about 6 years. THAT is why Wall St. loves 'em.
Personally, this old Wall Streeter would love to see Meg and the gang go. They had their moments in the sun, but they really have made a mess of this place, and their bandaids won't fix it. I'm bettin' on Wall Street to fix it.
catbooks1940s (1169 ) Jun-20-07 23:45 PDT 41 of
hey gamer, nice to see you here again!