For new newsgroup readers, these are not our forum posts. Any comments to the posters below should be made on the applicable thread, marked in bold below.
From eBay Stores Forum
Ready, Set, Go!!! eBay Stores To Go is Live!
[email protected] View Listings | Jun-19-07 09:52 PDT
Dear Stores Sellers:
We are pleased to annouce that eBay Stores To Go is live in beta. After hearing from you about your desires to advertise your Stores in blogs and popular social networking sites, we decided to piggyback on the popular eBay To Go widgets, and create a Store version, just for you.
The Stores To Go Widget offers a window into your Store. Users can search your entire Store in one of two views: An exciting and engaging Gallery view, and an easy to navigate list view. All listings are paginated. Users can also learn more about your Store, and identify with your brand through the accented Store colors and your logo. We are very excited to give you the opportunity to showcase your Store in a new and snazzy Web 2.0 experience.
How to get going:
The Stores To Go widget is now one of the types of widgets that you can access from
Step 1: Select Your Version: Just follow the link, click on the Store version thumbnail.
Step 2: Enter a Store: Upon clicking "I Want This One", you will be taken through the creation flow. Enter your User ID, click on Search, and you will see your widget appear in the right pane. Click "Next".
Step 3: Enter a Search: Enter a beginning search term, and click "Next".
Step 4: Set it Free: Click "Copy" and the embed code will be copied to your clipboard. If you would like detailed instructions on how to paste to a particular website, click on the pull-down menu and select the website of your choice.
Step 5: Paste the embed code across the Internet, and let new buyers know about your Store and what you sell!
We hope that you enjoy playing with Stores To Go! This product is still in beta, so we also would love to hear your feedback.
Best of Luck:
Raj & The Store Team
75 replies Date posted Reply #
postcardsandmore (4300 ) Jun-19-07 10:11 PDT 1 of
I personally would never advertise my EBAY store (pretty pathetic store since I have gone from 3000 listings to 7 due to lack of exposure in the under 30 items started appearing on page 7 or 8 and never ever on page 1 around May 3) outside of Ebay until it is fixed so we can get the referral credit for anyone using it.
Why would we want to? Why not just build our own links with the referral credit built in?
Please make that change and I will immediately put it up at other locations.
The affiliate program would be nice to include as well but I'll settle for the referral credit.
huckster3000 (292 ) Jun-19-07 10:14 PDT 2 of
will TO GO widget users qualify for the usual affiliate and store referral commissions when customers enter their listings via the widget?
"It's not the kind of activity one partner normally does with another."
melrose_stamp (13702 ) Jun-19-07 10:17 PDT 3 of
Postcards- Maybe the Stores Team thought we wouldn't notice that referral codes weren't built into the links.
postcardsandmore (4300 Listings | Report Jun-19-07 10:25 PDT 4 of
lol melrose.
I think they thought we wouldn't care. Ebay is so sure we are all desperate to bring in outside buyers that we will do whatever the ask.
They still haven't caught on that we actually believe we are paying hundreds of dollars a month in Ebay fees for THEM to bring in the outside buyers.
If I have to bring in my own I'll bring them into a site that charges NO listing and FVF.
sandrarn83 (2685 ) Jun-19-07 10:27 PDT 5 of
My standard post to Ebay's rollouts anymore. Pass AGAIN!
[email protected] Jun-19-07 10:29 PDT 6 of
I know that many of you are concerned about the Store Referral Credits inclusion into the widget links. Rest assured, that we are working on that, and as we work through the beta of this product, that topic is front and center as one of the enhancements we'll be looking at as we build out the technology.
We're here to listen, and we would love to get any constructive feedback. In the meantime, I do suggest utilizing this widget to generate excitement and drive traffic to your Store.
postcardsandmore (4300 ) Jun-19-07 10:31 PDT 7 of
In the meantime, I do suggest utilizing this widget to generate excitement and drive traffic to your Store.
Let me know when the beta with the referral credit rolls out.
monkey*see*monkey*do (Private Listings | Report Jun-19-07 10:33 PDT 8 of
*steps outside and screeeeeeeeeams*
sandrarn83 (2685 ) Jun-19-07 10:39 PDT 9 of
Pass again. "Let me know when you beta testing the referral credit". Thanks for posting it's a pleasant surprise Raj. I'll continue to spend the time driving traffic to my new website though until that time.
chopsueysisters (2068 ) Jun-19-07 10:41 PDT 10 of
you know alot of us already have gallery widgets on our listings. Why can't I insert this into my listing. Those you already can insert into our blogs and sites.
Seems like a duplicate thing to me.
and here's another thing because you guys are such cheaparoonies. You let the api include galleries for non-gallery items. You give EE express galleries when they didn't pay but you dont put out for this when you know it will be plastered all over the internet. It's pretty, nice bells and whistles. Now go FIX Markdown Manager
It's 3 weeks & I can't find the featured upgrade section of the SYI form
Can the finding team help me find that?
I couldn't make this stuff up even if I tried! rofl
mygift2u (6531 ) Jun-19-07 11:02 PDT 11 of
Question - Once we create that widget - can it be pasted into our listings or Stores Home Page?
meecabay (1222 ) Jun-19-07 11:05 PDT 12 of
Hi Raj.... it is great you are 'here'.
I myself believe that ALL comments/feedback is constructive.
Anything and everything that helps bring us to the right solution in the construction of something is helpful.....
meecabay (1222 ) Jun-19-07 11:09 PDT 13 of
If one is seeing a ladder falling and a MAN is on it.... should one stop, jump-in and help to try and steady the ladder?
Should one walk away in fear of hurting the MAN's pride?
sandrarn83 (2685 ) Jun-19-07 11:14 PDT 14 of
It depends if it was Meg/Billy C on that ladder. Define your theory some more please.
mygift2u (6531 ) Jun-19-07 11:16 PDT 15 of
I was able to paste it into my Store Home Page but not individual listings. Just playing with it. I will probably take it off my home page but I will leave it for a couple of days to see if it generates any additional sales.
Still waiting for the "Stores Tab". Wake me when it is up and running...
[email protected] Jun-19-07 11:17 PDT 16 of
Hi MyGift2U:
In regards to your post regarding pasting the HTML in your Store Custom Pages: Yes, you can! In fact, I have noticed that chopsueysisters has pasted the html embed link in her About Me page.
mygift2u (6531 ) Jun-19-07 11:20 PDT 17 of
mygift2u (6531 ) Jun-19-07 11:22 PDT 18 of
p.s. Raj -
Could you please have someone put me on the "Live" server? Stores sales are "dead."
Sure hope that Stores Tab helps.
wayoutwestusa2 (74 ) Jun-19-07 11:35 PDT 19 of
In the meantime, I do suggest utilizing this widget to generate excitement and drive traffic to your Store.
Perhaps once the referral credit thing is deal with.
victorias*curio (1329 ) Jun-19-07 12:18 PDT 20 of
Vicki -
Have you noticed any increase in sales since you have used that tool?
mygift2u (6531 ) Jun-19-07 12:20 PDT 21 of
Vicki -
Have you noticed any increase in sales since you have used that tool?
victorias*curio (1329 ) Jun-19-07 12:24 PDT 22 of
Well, it's brand new and just utilizing it today; so I'll just have to wait and see. I have it up on Yahoo! 360, MySpace, My Blog and my ME page. It is very visual and I like it. Check out my ME page and see what you think.
As far as hits and sales, I'll just have to wait and see. I'd really like a referral credit set up with this. That would be awesome!
monkey*see*monkey*do (Private ) Jun-19-07 12:25 PDT 23 of
Wow - a killer for dial up users???
loosebindings (0) June-19-07 12:25 PDT 24 of
I haven't even gotten over the excitement of Express yet!
chopsueysisters (2068 ) Jun-19-07 12:35 PDT 25 of
I love my ebay store, because I can drive customers to it and before they reach the site tell em they can buy it from me direct at a discount. lol. Ebay stores, may not have alot of traffic for sales conversions (on ebay) but its the most effective place to dump your junk and use it as a catalog
I might like this widget after all.
It's 3 weeks & I can't find the featured upgrade section of the SYI form
Can the finding team help me find that?
I couldn't make this stuff up even if I tried! rofl
sandrarn83 (2685 ) Jun-19-07 12:36 PDT 26 of
Victoria is that thing on your ME page the new widget thing? I think that is out on my redirect page on the internet. I have a page parked somewhere the designer made that used to point to my Ebay store. It says something about "shop my Ebay store" and it looks like that and takes customers to my Ebay store. Maybe she already did it.
[email protected] Jun-19-07 12:53 PDT 27 of
So I've heard you loud and clear on the issue of the Store Referral Credit. It's definitely something we'll work on in the future versions, so that's #1 on my list.
I am glad that some of you are liking it and hopefully can see some of the strong marketing benefits. As I have mentioned before, this tool is in Beta, so I would love to gather any other feedback as well, such as what other features/tweaks might be of benefit.
It would be great if you all shared some interesting ways that you have applied this widget with the rest of the Stores Community, so they too can embed their "mini-store" across the net.
chopsueysisters (2068 ) Jun-19-07 13:02 PDT 28 of
what team are you talking about. Are you talking to us or did you mean to post this elsewhere?
It's 3 weeks & I can't find the featured upgrade section of the SYI form
Can the finding team help me find that?
I couldn't make this stuff up even if I tried! rofl
katiyana (3908 ) Jun-19-07 13:18 PDT 29 of
I put one on my Profile Page over at MySpace and it seems to work - but I'm thinking space wise you're probably limited to one widget in that space allowed - I'll play with it and see if you could put multiple panes in there.
I could not get it to work on a Squidoo lens - but will experiment some more there.
The how-to-insert instructions for specific sites will be helpful for newbies, I think.
victorias*curio (1329 ) Jun-19-07 13:20 PDT 30 of
sandrarn83 - Yes, it's the new Widget thing. I used different searches that brought up different items and those widgets I posted on my blogspot. For my ME page and MySpace I just used "Victoria's Curio" in the search term area and it brought up different items in my store. Am I clear as mud on this? If you go through the directions using the link above you'll see what I mean. It is very easy.
victorias*curio (1329 ) Jun-19-07 13:23 PDT 31 of
Here is the address to my blog so you can see the different variations I used of this:
relentless_mtg (6059 ) Jun-19-07 13:29 PDT 32 of
Looks okay but doesn't work. Tested on my Myspace page. Non-functioning buttons = 'Visit the Store', 'Bid and View' and 'Seller'.
Search returned "sorry, couldn't find any search results for 'shoe' "
mygift2u (6531 ) Jun-19-07 13:44 PDT 33 of
Raj -
From reading your posts today, I think I might like you. First time in a LONG time that a pink actually sounds like he/she is listening to us and is responding to our concerns. There are "real" issues being addressed here on the Stores Boards -- along with the jokes and mindless posts (admittedly some of which are mine.)
Please realize that when our posts and replies get somewhat heated that we are very frustrated since Stores have been treated as step-children at best for the past year. When eBay took out SIS, they took away some of our lifeblood. So we of course, have doubts and distrust on any upcoming "enhancements". The best way to win our trust again is to be honest, upfront and tell us what is really going on.
Ok, so when will we get our STORES TAB?????
And, when will eBay put ads back on Google? This is killing us!
mygift2u (6531 ) Jun-19-07 13:48 PDT 34 of
oh, and one more thing Raj -
If the boardies decide they like you enough, we might let you join the Fruit Helmet Club. Except instead of a lime helment you probably would want a PINK Grapefrult one. I will have to check with Chop Sewey Sister on that.
sandrarn83 (2685 ) Jun-19-07 13:59 PDT 35 of
Okay vet is cancelled. One cat hiding and can't find. Here is a redirect page of mine sitting out on the internet. This is what my customers have been instructed to use now to enter directly into my store since their other link was "hijacked" and redirects now to my website. This is what repeat customers will see. How is that different from your widget or is it a widget by another name?
mygift2u (6531 ) Jun-19-07 14:06 PDT 36 of
sandy - I picked a different style widget. I just stuck it on my Stores Home page just to see what it looks like.
sandrarn83 (2685 ) Jun-19-07 14:09 PDT 37 of
I remembered the music from last time and turned my speaker volume to off. I have a bad heart you know! Heading over to check yours out.
mygift2u (6531 ) Jun-19-07 14:13 PDT 38 of
Sand -
I am working to take it out of all my listings. Those babies need a good mom.
I have removed it from about 60% so far. Funny, my sales have dropped since starting the removal!
postcardsandmore (4300 ) Jun-19-07 14:13 PDT 39 of
Can we put this inside our core listings?
sandrarn83 (2685 ) Jun-19-07 14:13 PDT 40 of
Oh I get it. NO, no no! Mot unless there is a fee rebate on that thing. It will mess my new custom storefront design up. It's ugly and there has to be money involved before I am posting that thing on my storefront. Probably never will go on my storefront but I can hide it somewhere. I prefer my "widget" it has fee rebates attached. My regulars who enter through that portal thing provide me with reduced fees. They got used to the bonus freebies I provide when they use it and I get used to reduced fees.
postcardsandmore (4300 ) Jun-19-07 14:13 PDT 41 of
I like the one you chose mygift
menagerie1 (3915 ) Jun-19-07 14:17 PDT 42 of
(priv msg)
Sandy, your x-cart (.Net) site comes up with that same Rover applet. That shouldn't happen.
If the "home.php" is placed on the end of the URL, then your site comes up. That shouldn't be necessary to get into your site.
Anyway,none of the links to your ebay store have the "?refid=store" referral suffix.
You should beat that designer senseless. Or not.
(/prv msg)
You can easily judge the character of others by how they treat those who can do nothing for them or to them. ~Malcolm Forbes
world_securities (4916 ) Jun-19-07 14:17 PDT 43 of
** post 11 **
Much as "I" normally don't say this after years of dealing with an exasperating entity: Give them one more chance.
But Only One More Shot.
eBay store owners voice concerns
Professional eBay Sellers Alliance
Unhealthy Marketplace Dynamics - Seller Perspective
With 2nd Quarter ending, eBay is very very aware that their actions are under the News microscope.
The speeches from Corporate are almost conciliatory. There have been more notices about improvements to eBay Stores in the past week, than there have been in years. Improvements actually useful to eBay Store owners.
And then there's how eBay is conducting this thread, versus two years ago.
From eBay Workshops Discussion Forum
eBay Workshop: Stores Logo/Branding Change - Thursday, June 16th
"I don't know if it is just the "rabble rousers" who come to the boards but it is clear that the people on this board who are responding negatively to the logo are a minority of the total eBay Store sellers. This is merely a numerical fact."
Chris Tsakalakis
Two years later, and What a difference in tone.
No condescending speeches. Answers are being given to questions posed. And Pinks are/were giving near-real-time responses.
"On Earth, we have a saying: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."
Montgomery "Scotty" Scott, Star Trek
Juggernauts do not change direction overnight. Our position is to wait 60 days and see what happens. We will make course corrections based on the course adjustments eBay makes. And why 60 days? It marks the very early beginning of the Holiday (Halloween, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years', etal) shopping season. Normally it would be 90 days, but there are limits even to "my" patience.
As is the patience of the "minority of the total eBay Store sellers."
Conflicts can end. Remember 18 June 1815, Waterloo? This was reenacted to commerate the 190th anniversary of the Battle. This time casualties were due to over enthusiasm.
Big IF this is eBay extending the hand of truce. IF eBay will deal in good faith to eBay Store owners, you have nothing to lose At This Point.
IF eBay is using Marketing feel-good tactics. IF eBay is stalling to establish a better face to the Press, well you already have plans for that don't you?
"Promises, promises
I'm all through with promises, promises now"
Burt Bacharach
Event Horizon 1984 Blog Log
mygift2u (6531 ) Jun-19-07 14:20 PDT 44 of
Postcards -
in response to your question can we paste it in our listings. Don't think so. I tried and the html didn't "take" there.
Let me know if you find out differently.
sandrarn83 (2685 ) Jun-19-07 14:21 PDT 45 of
No it doesn't. Take off the word "lingerie" on your search and type it in. Only the Ebay store has the Lingerie domain name now. Website only has the SC domains all FOUR of them. The other ones all got redirected to the website to hijack customers checking into the Ebay store. Worked on that little surprise for months.
meecabay (1222 ) Jun-19-07 14:23 PDT 46 of
WHOOPEE.... I just got back and started reading this linc and I am so delighted 'we' are actually something now ......
Team 'somones'
Of course we are part of the Team if we are willing to offer our help.....
Ya don't want the paid Team to think they are 'speaking' to the 'wind'......
Yes, yes, yes, we are someoneS YIPPEE ..... a bunch of volunteer someoneS
I hope my words won't be dashed as I continue reading on.
meecabay (1222 ) Jun-19-07 14:29 PDT 47 of
Oh.... and darnsand: Are you being nice today?
There is no IF or OR or AND answer.... It is a point you must discover for yourself!
I know it is backwards..... I am being nice to you.
meecabay (1222 ) Jun-19-07 14:30 PDT 48 of
and a bit 'altered'.....
sandrarn83 (2685 ) Jun-19-07 14:34 PDT 49 of
meecabay I am not sure exactly what you are saying but the royal "we" are not part of any team with Ebay. Ebay dictated that decision not me. Until the day my business is treated in the same manner and offered the same benefits as an auction seller then "we" are not part of any team with Ebay. I can tolerate a discussion with Ebay because it's the only way we are going to get this site back on track. Make no mistake I have no trust nor do I have any respect for Ebay. Those are things Ebay will have to earn back in my book.
onsnapper (265 ) Jun-19-07 14:36 PDT 50 of
Get lost ebay, don't EVEN come around offering me more stuff until you come up with a SINGLE GOOD SELLER TOOL THAT WORKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
menagerie1 (3915 ) Jun-19-07 14:37 PDT 51 of
Yeah, I see what you're saying, I got confused.
I've followed your site buildup. Make that sites.
And I know where you have had problems doing redirects to the various sites. I can't say much here. Follow? I have an x-cart site.
You can have what is called a "Meta-Refresh" statement in the .index page that will do a redirect instantly.
That is also how the x-cart site should be set up. So no one lands on a "portal page", but goes straight into the home(php) page.
The ideal way to redirect for all of your sites (to ONE site) is by using DNS redirects, but that involves dealing with your domain hosts/sellers.
You can easily judge the character of others by how they treat those who can do nothing for them or to them. ~Malcolm Forbes
postcardsandmore (4300 ) Jun-19-07 14:41 PDT 52 of
mygift...I did it and it works.
But, it looks like it may slow down the page load too much.
I guess my question should have been: are we allowed to, or is it recommended to be used as a means of getting regular auction buyers into our store.
I have it embedded in the Golden Mall Burbank postcard if you want to see.
postcardsandmore (4300 ) Jun-19-07 14:41 PDT 53 of
Until we get the referral credit I don't see any other use for it other than maybe on my me page.
postcardsandmore (4300 ) Jun-19-07 14:49 PDT 54 of
BTW...I really really like the way it looks in my listing so if we are allowed to use it that way for core listings then it will be hard for our buyers and browsers to miss the fact we have a store with more items hidden out back.
mygift2u (6531 ) Jun-19-07 14:49 PDT 55 of
I don't see an advantage of putting it in the listings.
I will take a look at it in your listing. Thanks
mygift2u (6531 ) Jun-19-07 14:50 PDT 56 of
post cards -
It came up extremely fast for me. However, I do have High Speed. It actually looks good in your listing.
postcardsandmore (4300 ) Jun-19-07 14:51 PDT 57 of
In core listings only to bring people to store. I've put stores tags, a little storefront, a huge search box and everything else I could come up with over the years.
This might just be the best yet.
For store Items it may not have much use.
postcardsandmore (4300 ) Jun-19-07 14:52 PDT 58 of
Hey Raj, please let me know if this is OK with Ebay.
huckster3000 (292 ) Jun-19-07 14:54 PDT 59 of
With 2nd Quarter ending, eBay is very very aware that their actions are under the News microscope.
true and good. but isn't it also nice to know that when the heat's not on, they don't care?
"It's not the kind of activity one partner normally does with another."
monkey*see*monkey*do (Private ) Jun-19-07 14:57 PDT 60 of
LOL Linda - Looks good.
I am thinking ebay wanted sellers to use it off ebay but see no reason why they wouldn't want it used in listings.
postcardsandmore (4300 ) Jun-19-07 14:59 PDT 61 of
I am thinking ebay wanted sellers to use it off ebay but see no reason why they wouldn't want it used in listings.
Let's see....Ebay introduces Ebay Express.
Ebay says it will never be used to drag customers away from .com
Ebay says it is ONLY intended to bring NEW customers to Ebay.
6 months later...where is the EE ads....right above our regular .com listings in every search available.
OK, I thought I would just cut to the chase.
Ebay has already done the experiment and found out you can't drag new customers into have to redirect the ones that are already here.
That's what I want to do with this widget.
Off Ebay, I want to direct them somewhere that I only pay $29 a month in fees, can list what I want when I want as many as I want for the same fee, and pay NO FVF.
meecabay (1222 ) Jun-19-07 15:02 PDT 62 of
It doesn't matter whether you have trust or no trust or whatever.... the point is your sharing your true feelings and thoughts and maybe suggestions.
And.... that SHOULD BE invaluable to eBay. I will assume you would like to see eBay where it should be and working correctly and also I am sure from your words you would like alot of other things to be different also..... why do I assume this: as you here taking the time to Post!
You are one individual person and your thoughts and feelings are as important as anyone's.
I just hope there is an eBay Division that has a program computer program set-up to import and annalyze the individual likes and disklies of individuals......
... NOT BY THE ACTUAL PERSON (no name of person, of course!) ..... but by a whole bunch of things: like area, male or female, age, country.... things like that.....
I am meaning for those that CHOOSE to post on these boards either for helping another eBayer strictly or using this board to just complain or to give input....
eBay is giving this opportunity by providing posting boards: We have the choice of using them or not. eBay can CHOOSE to learn from them and use what volunteered info they read to better their site, etc......
So technically we are all part of the eBay Team in that sense since we know eBay is reading our Posts and hopefully we feel we are being helpful.
Well, of course, maybe some come here to just blab to theirself or another but they must realize any good company seeks out any feedback they can obtain..... and what better place than these boards to get FREE feedback and we don't hold-back.... nice relaxed place and place where there should be no judgments! But, with courtesy and respect.... well, as much as possible I know it is very hard sometimes!
I myself am here on the boards posting at this time for a definite purpose.... to help this eBay site.
At the moment I don't need help of the community or eBay with questions as I am not in Selling mode right now. When I get back to selling I will probably have a gazillion questions. I have kinda forgot everything I have learned
monkey*see*monkey*do (Private ) Jun-19-07 15:04 PDT 63 of
Linda - I know what you are getting at and I am right with you on that.
I just had to giggle about it.
monkey*see*monkey*do (Private ) Jun-19-07 15:05 PDT 64 of
I did get a banana thrown at me earlier.
postcardsandmore (4300 ) Jun-19-07 15:06 PDT 65 of
LOL, did you throw it back?
postcardsandmore (4300 ) Jun-19-07 15:07 PDT 66 of
But, seriously, if it was developed to help us get more sales I think I just stumbled upon the perfect use.
meecabay (1222 ) Jun-19-07 15:07 PDT 67 of
Good point onsnapper:
I also feel everything should be fixed before anything new is introduced.... but maybe eBay is just desperately trying to help us Store Sellers like an emergency ???????
I really don't know... as I can't absorb yet what this new 'thing' is, how it works and how it is suppose to work, etc. etc.
postcardsandmore (4300 ) Jun-19-07 15:10 PDT 68 of
just desperately trying to help us Store Sellers like an emergency
Excuse me but I nearly choked here.
Then where is the Stores Tab? Why are the store links disappearing from some searches? Why are our FVF's not reduced for the summer?
Ebay is simply trying to use us, the store sellers, to drag in new Ebay buyers from the outside Ebay world. It's cheaper to make a widget for us to plaster all over the world than for them to make new TV ads or any other advertising medium.
postcardsandmore (4300 ) Jun-19-07 15:11 PDT 69 of
But, it is a really cute little widget to use within Ebay.
meecabay (1222 ) Jun-19-07 15:12 PDT 70 of
OH... thanks postcards!
Now I know why I couldn't absorb anything about IT..... something wasn't exactly clear
But, will people use IT? Is it easy to use?
sandrarn83 (2685 ) Jun-19-07 15:17 PDT 71 of
meecabay I agree with you there. There is a purpose to my postings. It's been posted previously. More than Ebayers read these posts now. Our posts provide a window into Ebay that normally only sellers can see. By posting you provide outsiders with a better understanding of what it's truly like to sell on Ebay. The frustrations that we all have with all the broken software glitches and programs. the fact that Ebay doesn't use the announcement board to post problems anymore because of their fear Wall Street will find out, all the dirty laundry being aired publicly. These boards do provide a window directly into that and the people who need that information have learned where to find it. So we all (Ebay cheerleaders and non alike) provide outsiders with the most current up to date info out there.
menagerie1 (3915 ) Jun-19-07 15:20 PDT 72 of
It's cheaper to make a widget for us to plaster all over the world than for them to make new TV ads or any other advertising medium.
Oh, what a mean thing to say. Next you'll be saying how this is their backup plan for not purchasing any google adwords.
Oops! Looks like I said it. So sorry!
You can easily judge the character of others by how they treat those who can do nothing for them or to them. ~Malcolm Forbes
sandrarn83 (2685 ) Jun-19-07 15:24 PDT 73 of
Hey we website owners are celebrating that stand Ebay took. I hope Ebay makes it permanent to punish Google some more. I could use the time to put my website in the top "nine" slots for all brands where buyers can find it.
postcardsandmore (4300 ) Jun-19-07 15:26 PDT 74 of
If store listings were free or even reasonably priced I would agree. Man I would dump the website, close the other sites and yell off the rooftops that people should rush to Ebay.
I'd change my car bumper stick to Ebay is great instead of having my website on it, I'd put this little widget everywhere.
But, Ebay fees are totally outrageous for store listings. I just can't see any reason to pay that high a fee to bring my own traffic in. I thought I was paying the high fees for the traffic Ebay generates.
If that isn't the case then I guess I'm paying the fees for nothing much.
sandrarn83 (2685 ) Jun-19-07 15:34 PDT 75 of
postcards I have a question. What am I paying Ebay fees for? Why am I doing their work? Same reason I did not write more guides and/or reviews when I found out why Ebay wanted me to do it. They make enough money off me to pay for their own advertising for this site. Something other than Meg's new cupholders for the corporate jet ought to come out of their line item budget. I think Ebay can do without me making a widget for my store. I don't think it's a budget breaker.
bangkokbint (453 ) Jun-19-07 17:20 PDT 76 of
I just used it on my Blog. It's a nice feature but, unfortunately, it's too WIDE. I have a Typepad blog where these types of widgets are listed in the columns at one side - the other widgets I have for that craft place and the River place fit perfectly in the columns. EBay's is too wide so half of it disappears.
Unfortunately, if it stays wide I'll probably remove it as it spoils the look of my blog
bangkokbint (453 ) Jun-19-07 17:26 PDT 77 of
Yep, sorry, I removed it from my Blog. It's just too wide and looks a bit stupid.
Nice idea, and I would have used it but it doesn't fit in with Typepad's size specifications for a widget.
katiyana (3911 ) Jun-19-07 17:27 PDT 78 of
Hey postcards, this widget reminds me of a version of Oscar's Tool - remember that?
That was very successful for drawing people into my other Store Listings - this COULD be the same thing, in theory.
I must say, I like the mosaic effect of my little sweaters in the panorama view...
babybcp (804 ) Jun-19-07 17:29 PDT 79 of
I manually re-sized the one that I was messing with. Just go into the html and change the spots where it says '355' to whatever size you want it to be.
world_securities (4916 ) Jun-19-07 17:35 PDT 80 of
With 2nd Quarter ending, eBay is very very aware that their actions are under the News microscope.
huckster3000 true and good. but isn't it also nice to know that when the heat's not on, they don't care?
Yep. Hearing 'we will change' followed by the 'bupkus song' far too many times, no one here will take anything said at face value. And One widget on it's own will not make eBay Stores better.
But the process I'm seeing is mildly encouraging. Time will tell, 50 some odd days, whether in Aggregate the eBay Store improvement process is real or Marketing talk.
Plus I have seen no indication that store owners are going to let up on the heat any time soon.
And to anyone at eBay reading and working the problem; Develop a hide.
Everything being written on these boards isn't anywhere close to the being roasted alive situations in the real world. Being unable to handle this reflects badly. You can choose to be a lump of cold hard iron, collect your paycheck, and remain where you are until eBay cuts you loose.
Or be tempered steel. Yes, beaten, molded, blazed in hellish temperatures, yet becoming stronger than the sum of its parts.
And eminently hirable in the real world.
"I want you to paint this name on the nose of your ship: Leper Colony. Because in it you're gonna get every deadbeat in the outfit. Every man with a penchant for head colds. If there's a bombardier who can't hit his plate with his fork, you get him. If there's a navigator who can't find the men's room, you get him. Because you rate him."
Brig. Gen. Frank Savage
Twelve O'Clock High, 1949
clact (3590 ) Jun-19-07 17:41 PDT 81 of
Raj, thanks a lot for posting this update for you I knew it was coming soon nice to know its here!
Postcards. Your page loaded fast. I think (To me) the images are too small to get the right amount of attention you might want to try the big picture one with the move arrow. Maybe for each category (might take you a few weeks to get them set up, but once you have one for each search then you will have the entire category in your show for each similar item.
Steph, I wondered about the mosaic look myself , have you tried one?
I just got back here so Ill have to get one up and running here!
bangkokbint (453 ) Jun-19-07 17:42 PDT 82 of
I manually re-sized the one that I was messing with. Just go into the html and change the spots where it says '355' to whatever size you want it to be.
babybcp, I tried that but it didn't work. Let me go off to try again and I'll report back
babybcp (804 ) Jun-19-07 17:48 PDT 83 of
Bangkok - there are 4 spots that have '355' written in (I know little about HTML, but have figured out enough to change small things). It didn't work for me at first because I only saw the first 2 spots, after a couple of tries I saw the other 2 and changed them as well. That did the trick.
postcardsandmore (4309 ) Jun-19-07 17:53 PDT 84 of
I looked on your me page but you don't have one there. Is there one posted I could look at?
Marty I thought there was only one "store" choice so I'll have to look again and see what you were referring to. It might be the incentive I need to beef up the other categories.
clact (3590 ) Jun-19-07 18:12 PDT 85 of
Holy Carp, I blew it up and it looks great! I changed the 2 355s to 655s and now I can see everything.
Now I want something else though. I want the ability to send this baby over to every customer in an email where they can click and this would pop up, just have to figure if thats possible if not we need to ask for it.
All they will need it a pop up like this, it can even be customized to whatever that buyer ordered.
bangkokbint (453 ) Jun-19-07 18:14 PDT 86 of
babycp, Thanks for all the info. I tried all the changes but it looks really icky (everything just gets pixely and out of focus) so I finally gave up and deleted it.
Companies like amazon, etsy, google etc. have already designed widgets that work perfectly with Typepad blogs. When Ebay can do that, I'll reconsider using it, but right now it's pretty useless for my blog as it just looks horrible.
Thanks though
bangkokbint (453 ) Jun-19-07 18:16 PDT 87 of
Clact, yep, I think it would look really good big, but it looks HORRIBLE small and there's no other way to fit it into my blog sidebars so it's not going to work for me unfortunately.
clact (3590 ) Jun-19-07 18:32 PDT 88 of
Check it out on our myspace..
When you get there is is showing books but type Funny Friends into the search box. The good news is though it says "search ebay" its really searching your store.
I love it!
I want to call this My Catalog and be able to send it out to people Ill just this !
Oops the page is
relentless_mtg (6064 ) Jun-19-07 18:37 PDT 89 of
I am having the same problem clicking through your widget to any of your listings or to your store, same as with mine on myspace. Seems to work fine on my Me page though.
meecabay (1222 ) Jun-19-07 18:55 PDT 90 of
Hi sandrarn83 Post #71:
Maybe that is your reason for posting.... but it is not mine.... I post to share my thoughts, ideas, etc. and hope mine will stimulate other eBayers and other Posters stimulate me with more and new and refined thoughts and thus in this type process of us sharing and learning eBay gets some valuable 'stuff' to help them refine their own thinking/planning.
The word again is:
REFINE.... it is a process!
I really don't believe alot of non-eBayer's have the time or even want to bother reading these Posts other than say people who may be thinking of building their own site....
People will come and just set-up and start selling and assume everything works great!
I didn't even know about the boards for a few years.....
clact (3590 ) Jun-19-07 18:57 PDT 91 of
Stefan, that is probably that myspace backlink thing, we need to get that sorted out quick! Thanks for finding that! Ill check your about me page..
huckster3000 (292 ) Jun-19-07 19:29 PDT 92 of
hi marty!
i'm curious as to what your thoughts are about the TO GO widget's affiliate/referral issue, as i don't believe you have yet mentioned it in any of your posts. do you think that this issue matters at all to most ebay sellers who will be using the widget? do you tell those that you encourage to use the widget about this issue? also, from your "inside" ebay contacts, do you personally have any sense at all for when this functionality actually might be able to be "built out" into the real world application of this widget?
"It's not the kind of activity one partner normally does with another."
katiyana (3911 ) Jun-20-07 07:12 PDT 93 of
postcards, I currently have 4 of them on my custom page for my doll & bear clothes - using the mosaic style, clact, if you want to check that out.
I kept them at 355 so they'd fit 2 across the page without scrolling. I'm going to create some custom pages specific for the different sizes of dolls that I sew for, and will probably use a blown up version of this on those as well.
I have found they click through fine from this custom page, but are NOT working on the MySpace page (
I don't currently use any of the other options they suggest.
It also isn't working on Squidoo, I can't get it to come up at all when entered in the HTML of the introduction, for example. I'll email them about that and see if they can come up with a module to handle it.
sandrarn83 (2688 ) Jun-20-07 07:30 PDT 94 of
huckster we are all waiting for Marty's post about the referral credit. I know he's been here because he posted on the Google thread. I am sure it's just an oversight on his part.
Let's recap shall we "i'm curious as to what your thoughts are about the TO GO widget's affiliate/referral issue, as i don't believe you have yet mentioned it in any of your posts."
bangkokbint (453 ) Jun-20-07 07:55 PDT 95 of
Well I finally got mine up on my blog (couldn't get it to work properly in the side bar - too wide or out of focus no matter how much I tried to change it), but I did get it on my blog as a post:
It looks really nice and works great. I especially love what it does when you click on it to go to My Store. Nice job to whoever designed this
postcardsandmore (4309 ) Jun-20-07 08:02 PDT 96 of
Thank looks really nice bangkok. I didn't realize that layout offered larger pix when you mouse over.
You did a great job.
scarboroughseaashells (2041 ) Jun-20-07 08:06 PDT 97 of
Katyiana, Bangkok and Marty they look great! I've been itching to get mine up but I have a ton of editing work that just wont wait so I can't make one up until I fix the other stuff I need to do first. I did play around and the only thing I'm not thrilled about is that the mosaic doesn't look quite as nice if there are not enough to fill each row. It sorta falls short of spectacular. But all in all, I agree with katyiana. Very nice to see all my stuff layed out in a pretty pattern like that!
meecabay (1222 ) Jun-20-07 08:20 PDT 98 of
Hi All!
I just clicked-on the linc in Bangkok's post. Looks nice I clicked on a few of the pictures and then my pc locked-up and I had to shut-down and restart
I do not know much about computers.... just reporting this.... I haven't tried any of the other lincs on this thread and now am a bit hesitant.
melrose_stamp (13709 ) Jun-20-07 09:34 PDT 99 of
Stores Team-
I would like the eBay Stores To Go widget to display feedback rating just like the eBay Seller To Go widget does. That would be helpful. Thank you.
katiyana (3911 ) Jun-20-07 09:47 PDT 100 of
huckster3000 (292 ) Jun-21-07 00:25 PDT 101 of
hi everybody!
well i decided to wait at least 24 hours before posting about this subject again - just to see what would happen! with the exception of sandy, nobody else who posted to this thread since my last question even acknowledged the existence of the issue of no referral credit when using the TO GO widget. so i have to assume that everybody here is A-okay with the idea of giving up that 75% FVF referral commission refund, especially since that would mean that ebay would be forced to add a few more lines of code to the widget. and we all know how difficult it is for rich multinational internet-based corporations to write basic code! lol!!
hiya marty!
"It's not the kind of activity one partner normally does with another."
clact (3591 ) Jun-21-07 04:01 PDT 102 of
We heard the referral credit was coming in an earlier post and that is consistent with what I heard at Live (affiliate or referral credit I guess?).
In any case, people complain they dont get the credits now, so I dont see the point in claiming it doesnt give you the credits you were not getting before anyway LOL
Sales at this point would be good.
Tara , that problem was one I had, that is why I didnt like having to add a search term. I just picked a general category with enough items in it and then the buyer can search for whatever they want in the box. Ill add text to let them know that.
Maybe you can use "shell" or "seashell" as your term and fill the boxes? Im sure you shells look better than my hodgepodge! LOL