For new newsgroup readers, these are not our forum posts. Any comments to the posters below should be made on the applicable thread, marked in bold below.
From eBay Search Forum
View Listings | Report Aug-29-07 21:55 PDT 522 of 537
Hello All,
I wanted to give you a quick update on where we are in regards to the Finding 2.0 testing. We have completed the first round of tests and we are seeing some encouraging trends. Activity, bidding and buying in several key areas have clearly increased in the new platform in comparison to
Because of these positive test results, we have decided to increase traffic from 1% to up to 20% for users who are searching or browsing in the following areas: Computers, Video Games, Art, Antiques and Jewelry & Watches
We will also continue to run the 1% test across all categories to measure the impact of the new features rolling out this week and other changes (such as category and attribute changes) we're making to improve results across the board.
This week you'll see many of the additional features we've been working on that we know you've been missing. Look for Advanced, Completed search, Title and Description, Canadian items, in-search box refinement, additional stores expansion and other features. You may see changes in item counts, inventory and layout until the roll out of these features are complete.
We're thrilled to see clearly positive results from our tests that show buyers are finding and buying more items in this new system. As always, we look forward to getting your feedback, input and suggestions.
Jeff & the Finding Team
P.S. If you haven’t already, please take a peek at the new snapshot view which we think will be a great new way to shop!
captainhappypants (519 ) Nov-21-07 10:23 PST 1569 of 1569
Yes, there is that hidden back door that you mention. Also, you can log into eBay UK and get the classic search page. But I assure you that those avenues will be shut down shortly. I don't know if you have calling privileges with eBay, but I do and I spent an hour on the phone with them yesterday: this insipid 'Finding 2.0' is now the official search interface and there will be NO option to use the normal search page. I spoke to three different CSR's and they all were adamant that this was the case; I was even swearing, I was so mad.
The 'Playground' test-phase that they did was obviously phony: I know for a fact that the reaction to Finding 2.0 was overwhelmingly negative; obviously, they were going to do this no matter what the reaction was.
This is about weasling more profit, even if it means making narrowed searches far more difficult and time-consuming for experienced users. Ebay is saying, "Screw you, we don't care about YOUR ease of use, we're imposing this dumbed-down search page so that newbies and casual users can buy more stuff". That's what this is all about.
So, enjoy your back door opt-out while it lasts, which won't be long.
[email protected] View Listings | Report Dec-04-07 11:01 PST 1723 of 1739
Hello All,
Just a quick note to let you know what's happening with the search tests. First, we've learned a lot after the extensive testing & all your feedback in the fall & we're now making changes to the system based on the results. We've turned off most of the user testing as we've entered the holiday period and now only a small % of users are seeing the new search (less than 1%). We appreciate all the feedback you've provided and will continue to make changes based on your input. You can see all new features as we release them (checkout the improvements we've made to snapshot view!) and provide your specific feedback on
Jeff & the Finding team
View Listings | Report Feb-01-08 17:34 PST 2653 of 2668
Hi Lindaspostcardsandmore2644
I am so sorry I am so behind keeping up with this thread.
Would you call out the number of your post with the your question in it to my email at [email protected].
I will do my best to find the answers if I don't already know them and promise to post what I find out back to the board, not just respond to the email.
USSearch I saw your post on the art thread about IS. I am not going to answer there b/c we are going to expire that thread since it is about Art board category changes. The IS that beach is talking about, I believe are the Custom IS, not the IS that were launched prior to that which you see on Clothing. If you believe that the custom IS are not working in your favor, don't use them. They are optional. The IS on clothing are optional as well. If you don't use them you run the risk of buyers not seeing your item if they are searching on a term which is not a term that you used in your item and then use the Product Finder to apply terms.
I hope that answers your question.
With respect to the changes made for Feedback, one of the main focuses for eBay this year is to make eBay a place people want to shop. If there is increased buyer traffic and increased buyer confidence that will translate into increased sales.
Many of the changes we have made are in an effort to correct the broken feedback system. Buyers are afraid to leave accurate feedback because of retailatory negatives, so we have eliminated that factor.
That being said, we are taking steps to be a better business partner to the sellers as well. For buyers who do not pay, more stringent standards are in place. For repeat offenders, they will be suspended. If a suspended buyer has left negative feedback for you, it will be taken out and your feedback score recalculated.
If you haven't already, I encourage you to look at the overview of the changes:
and to attend the town hall on Monday:
See you next week,
View Listings | Report Feb-04-08 14:50 PST 2685 of 2691
In March, Best Match will be rolled out sitewide as the default for both Auctions and Fixed Price.
At that time, DSRs will be factored into the equation for your listings in Collectibles.
I appreciate your taking the time to post & voice your concerns.
For Everyone:
Julie has started a new thread to address Best Match Concerns. Please direct your questions & issue to her here: