Maine GOP versus World of Warcraft - Welcome to Fantasy Island
5 October 2012
The race for Maine's District 25 Senate seat, incumbent Thomas Martin JR (R) versus Colleen Lachowicz, according to Forbes magazine went to "supremely stupid" when the Maine GOP (Grand Old Party) posted a press release titled "Candidate's Bizarre Double Life Raises Questions."
You can view the press release at:
Well you would be able to view the site (at the time of publication), if the site builders had a modicum of computer expertise:
"503 Service Temporarily Unavailable"
Here is a cache of the page.
And here is Colleen Lachowicz's response.
Then again, when the voting for District 25 is measured in the thousands,
Thomas Martin JR (R) - 1,195
Colleen Lachowicz (D) - 827
Dana Hernandez (D) - 755
and that site is build to accommodate the local electorate. Hundreds of thousands of hits would be problematic.
"There's no such thing as bad publicity except your own obituary."
Brendan Behan
If not millions of hits. Hits from hundreds of articles like the sample below:
On Video Games as a Political Liability
Paul Tassi, Forbes Magazine *
"The central idea here is that Colleen is lost in a fantasy world of violence, which in effect, can be claimed about anyone who has ever played an M-rated video game. It’s offensive to gamers, which are an increasingly large segment of the population, but that’s not the kind of vote the Maine GOP is going for here. That would be the hearts and minds of those too old to even lift a Wiimote, most likely."
Is Being a Gamer a Political Death Sentence?
Michael Peck, Forbes Magazine
"The central idea here is that Colleen is lost in a fantasy world of violence, which in effect, can be claimed about anyone who has ever played an M-rated video game. It’s offensive to gamers, which are an increasingly large segment of the population, but that’s not the kind of vote the Maine GOP is going for here. That would be the hearts and minds of those too old to even lift a Wiimote, most likely."
Maine GOP Attacks Candidate's Right to Choose Horde
Carol Pinchefsky, Forbes Magazine
"I would prefer to vote for a candidate based on issues of their policies rather than their personal lives."
* Forbes magazine, as in the late Malcolm Forbes, and two time Presidential candidate Steve Forbes (R).
Orc Assassination Rogue Running for Main State Senate
Dennis DiClaudio, Comedy Central
"I'm not quite sure that America is ready for an "orc assassination rogue" in one of our state legislatures…"
Democratic candidate slammed for playing World of Warcraft
Earnest Cavali, Digital Trends
"normally we’d hate to take sides in such an obliquely political argument as this — we write about video games, so who wants to hear our thoughts on governmental propriety? — but our ability to reason logically and read through biases forces us to point out the absurdity of this attack."
GOP: World of Warcraft player should be barred from office
Chris Matyszczyk, c|net
"Oh, come now. It's not as if her name is Lash-o-Witch and you can hire her at $100 per hour -- as you can some politicians."
Maine Political Race Focuses On World of Warcraft
Stephen Johnson, G4TV
"Lachowicz posts that she "loves poisoning," likes to stab people and has an alt who is an undead warlock. This all seems pretty common for a WoW player, but out-of-context, such revelations could make non-gamers a bit nervous."
When World of Warcraft Met the World of Politics
Alexander Abad-Santos, The Atlantic Wire
"It's supposed to be a smear, not because WoW is addictive and time-consuming and could possibly ruin your social life, but because her character in the World of Warcraft likes to stab things and steal from people. That, of course, is sort of silly."
State Senate politics enters 'fantasy world'
Michael Shepherd, Morning Sentinel
"the Republican website, which prominently displays a large picture of Lachowicz's "World of Warcraft" character, is "one big joke," Dixon said. "It's just going to be bad publicity for the (Republican) Party.""
The GOP press release also got a bit of international attention.
World of Warcraft hobby sparks US political row
BBC (Great Britain)
"the Republican party in the state created "Colleen's World" - a website that compiles information about Ms Lachowicz's orc rogue Santiaga. An orc is a mythical human-like creature, generally described as fierce and combative."
Republican attack on World of Warcraft backfires
The Week (Great Britain)
"A REPUBLICAN campaign to expose a Democratic candidate’s penchant for playing the World of Warcraft has been described as "absurdly pathetic" by gaming fans."
Republican Party wants to ban Warcraft player from office
Nic Healey, c|net Australia
"incumbent Republican Senator Tom Martin has seemingly distanced himself from his party's attacks, saying that he was unaware of the press release and that when he met Lachowicz, she "seemed like a nice lady""
"Bite the Hand That Feeds You"
Steven Colbert
Then there's the 'bite the hand that feeds you' aspect.
According to the U.S. Federal Election Commission:
Activision Blizzard individual contributions (total):
$2,500 - Romney, Mitt / Ryan, Paul (R)
$950 - Obama, Barack (D)
$600 - Paul, Ron (R)
$3,000 - Boehner, John (R)
Ok, these amounts are peanuts to the GOP.
Number wise, what is not peanuts, are the over 10 million subscribers to the World of Warcraft.
Definitely not all Maine voters, but a rather potentially large number of people to annoy.
"A billion here, a billion there, pretty soon, you're talking real money."
Everett Dirksen
The owner of World of Warcraft is not a small company to push around. Activision Blizzard, had a second quarter 2012 GAAP net revenue of $1.08 billion.
A multi-billion dollar company might object to having one their biggest money maker products slammed.
Compare this revenue to the State of Maine's "expected yearly revenue of just under $3 billion."
Incidentally the video game industry global market is "$67 billion" and forecast to grow "to $82 billion in 2017." As stated by Forbes magazine, "This is good news for all companies involved in gaming including Sony, Microsoft, Activision, Electronic Arts, Disney, and even Nintendo"
Let's not forget that World of Warcraft and other online computer games are not played in thin air. You Need A Computer.
Hint to the technologically ignorant, the millions of U.S. World of Warcraft customers use computers.
"We love platforms that are hundreds of millions of users"
Jens Begemann
Perhaps they use World of Warcraft compatible computers from U.S. companies like:
HP ** - "Second quarter net revenue of $30.7 billion"
** The current HP CEO is Meg Whitman (R).
Dell - "Revenue of $62.1 billion for the fiscal year"
Apple - "quarterly revenue of $35.0 billion"
And what about that software company that has their Windows operating system running on the bulk of those computers?
Microsoft - "quarterly revenue of $18.06 billion"
Finally, what about the companies that connect millions of online gamers together?
Like the cable industry?
Cable Industry Revenue 2011:
$38,310,000,000 - All Other Revenue
Was it not conventional political wisdom, that taking pot shots at the revenue streams of large corporations is not a good idea?
"You are fools."
Perhaps the technologically inept individual that thought up the World of Warcraft attack, should look up "infrastructure" and "collateral damage."
Infrastructure - "the basic, underlying framework or features of a system or organization."
Collateral Damage - "Collateral damage occurs when something incidental to the intended target is damaged during an attack."
And he should also look up World of Warcraft's customers.
Such as Chuck Norris (R):
You're interfering with Mr. Norris's revenue stream too. Bad idea.
"The billionaire philanthropist said there are lessons to be learned from the enthusiasm kids have when playing video games, including that winning can be a motivator and that students should be able to move to the next level when ready.
“We’re not saying the whole curriculum turns into this big game. We’re saying it’s an adjunct to a serious curriculum”"
Bill Gates: Getting schools into the game to engage students
Addendum 13 November 2012
The voting is over, and MMORPG won.
Maine State Senator Playing Orc on World of Warcraft Elected Despite Opponents Attacks On Her Gaming Hobby
- "Colleen Lachowicz, Democrat for Maine state senate, won"
For the slightly tongue in check analysis:
How The Republican Party Should Have Attacked Colleen Lachowicz
- "it’s fair game to judge any politician based upon their personal life these days, so Lachowicz should expect some judgement when it comes to her WoW character. Does she have a reasonable excuse as to why her character has the achievement The Descent Into Madness two entire years after Ulduar’s release? Or what about the fact that she’s never completed a Onyxia run without a member of her party being hit by Deep Breath? If she believes she’s the right candidate to represent an entire state’s worth of people why has she never successfully completed 25 man Icecrown Citadel?"
- "Either way you look at it the accusations previously pitted against Lachowicz making the assumption that gaming would keep her out of touch with society's needs is as wrong as it is insulting. Her recent placement into Maine’s senate and the incredible support she’s received from gamers all over the world show that despite the gritty details that may make her a casual WoW player it’s important to the people that our politicians share the same human interests as us. Not everyone enjoys golf after all."
Colleen Lachowicz, Maine's World of Warcraft-Playing State Senate Candidate, Wins Office
- "Turns out, however, that Maine voters either didn't care, or are a big fan of orcish rogues."
- "Lachowicz, as you may have guessed, won her race for State Senate."
The British weighed in, apparently having some deep seated European connection with dragons.
Democrat candidate attacked for having 'disturbing double life' as an orc assassin in World of Warcraft wins key battleground district
- "It turns out most voters don't see a history of killing dragons in your free time as an impediment to holding office."
- "Lachowicz took the office with a final vote of 8,666 to 7,753 over incumbent Republican Tom Martin"
This election was the hard mode way to score a reward:
As a voting demographic, WoW subscriptions slipped to 9.1 million from 10.2 million.
Technorati Profile
EventHorizon1984 Log
Maine GOP versus World of Warcraft - Welcome to Fantasy Island
Maine GOP versus World of Warcraft - Welcome to Fantasy Island
5 October 2012
The race for Maine's District 25 Senate seat, incumbent Thomas Martin JR (R) versus Colleen Lachowicz, according to Forbes magazine went to "supremely stupid" when the Maine GOP (Grand Old Party) posted a press release titled "Candidate's Bizarre Double Life Raises Questions."
You can view the press release at:
Well you would be able to view the site (at the time of publication), if the site builders had a modicum of computer expertise:
"503 Service Temporarily Unavailable"
Here is a cache of the page.
And here is Colleen Lachowicz's response.
Then again, when the voting for District 25 is measured in the thousands,
Thomas Martin JR (R) - 1,195
Colleen Lachowicz (D) - 827
Dana Hernandez (D) - 755
and that site is build to accommodate the local electorate. Hundreds of thousands of hits would be problematic.
"There's no such thing as bad publicity except your own obituary."
Brendan Behan
If not millions of hits. Hits from hundreds of articles like the sample below:
On Video Games as a Political Liability
Paul Tassi, Forbes Magazine *
"The central idea here is that Colleen is lost in a fantasy world of violence, which in effect, can be claimed about anyone who has ever played an M-rated video game. It’s offensive to gamers, which are an increasingly large segment of the population, but that’s not the kind of vote the Maine GOP is going for here. That would be the hearts and minds of those too old to even lift a Wiimote, most likely."
Is Being a Gamer a Political Death Sentence?
Michael Peck, Forbes Magazine
"The central idea here is that Colleen is lost in a fantasy world of violence, which in effect, can be claimed about anyone who has ever played an M-rated video game. It’s offensive to gamers, which are an increasingly large segment of the population, but that’s not the kind of vote the Maine GOP is going for here. That would be the hearts and minds of those too old to even lift a Wiimote, most likely."
Maine GOP Attacks Candidate's Right to Choose Horde
Carol Pinchefsky, Forbes Magazine
"I would prefer to vote for a candidate based on issues of their policies rather than their personal lives."
* Forbes magazine, as in the late Malcolm Forbes, and two time Presidential candidate Steve Forbes (R).
Orc Assassination Rogue Running for Main State Senate
Dennis DiClaudio, Comedy Central
"I'm not quite sure that America is ready for an "orc assassination rogue" in one of our state legislatures…"
Democratic candidate slammed for playing World of Warcraft
Earnest Cavali, Digital Trends
"normally we’d hate to take sides in such an obliquely political argument as this — we write about video games, so who wants to hear our thoughts on governmental propriety? — but our ability to reason logically and read through biases forces us to point out the absurdity of this attack."
GOP: World of Warcraft player should be barred from office
Chris Matyszczyk, c|net
"Oh, come now. It's not as if her name is Lash-o-Witch and you can hire her at $100 per hour -- as you can some politicians."
Maine Political Race Focuses On World of Warcraft
Stephen Johnson, G4TV
"Lachowicz posts that she "loves poisoning," likes to stab people and has an alt who is an undead warlock. This all seems pretty common for a WoW player, but out-of-context, such revelations could make non-gamers a bit nervous."
When World of Warcraft Met the World of Politics
Alexander Abad-Santos, The Atlantic Wire
"It's supposed to be a smear, not because WoW is addictive and time-consuming and could possibly ruin your social life, but because her character in the World of Warcraft likes to stab things and steal from people. That, of course, is sort of silly."
State Senate politics enters 'fantasy world'
Michael Shepherd, Morning Sentinel
"the Republican website, which prominently displays a large picture of Lachowicz's "World of Warcraft" character, is "one big joke," Dixon said. "It's just going to be bad publicity for the (Republican) Party.""
The GOP press release also got a bit of international attention.
World of Warcraft hobby sparks US political row
BBC (Great Britain)
"the Republican party in the state created "Colleen's World" - a website that compiles information about Ms Lachowicz's orc rogue Santiaga. An orc is a mythical human-like creature, generally described as fierce and combative."
Republican attack on World of Warcraft backfires
The Week (Great Britain)
"A REPUBLICAN campaign to expose a Democratic candidate’s penchant for playing the World of Warcraft has been described as "absurdly pathetic" by gaming fans."
Republican Party wants to ban Warcraft player from office
Nic Healey, c|net Australia
"incumbent Republican Senator Tom Martin has seemingly distanced himself from his party's attacks, saying that he was unaware of the press release and that when he met Lachowicz, she "seemed like a nice lady""
"Bite the Hand That Feeds You"
Steven Colbert
Then there's the 'bite the hand that feeds you' aspect.
According to the U.S. Federal Election Commission:
Activision Blizzard individual contributions (total):
$2,500 - Romney, Mitt / Ryan, Paul (R)
$950 - Obama, Barack (D)
$600 - Paul, Ron (R)
$3,000 - Boehner, John (R)
Ok, these amounts are peanuts to the GOP.
Number wise, what is not peanuts, are the over 10 million subscribers to the World of Warcraft.
Definitely not all Maine voters, but a rather potentially large number of people to annoy.
"A billion here, a billion there, pretty soon, you're talking real money."
Everett Dirksen
The owner of World of Warcraft is not a small company to push around. Activision Blizzard, had a second quarter 2012 GAAP net revenue of $1.08 billion.
A multi-billion dollar company might object to having one their biggest money maker products slammed.
Compare this revenue to the State of Maine's "expected yearly revenue of just under $3 billion."
Incidentally the video game industry global market is "$67 billion" and forecast to grow "to $82 billion in 2017." As stated by Forbes magazine, "This is good news for all companies involved in gaming including Sony, Microsoft, Activision, Electronic Arts, Disney, and even Nintendo"
Let's not forget that World of Warcraft and other online computer games are not played in thin air. You Need A Computer.
Hint to the technologically ignorant, the millions of U.S. World of Warcraft customers use computers.
"We love platforms that are hundreds of millions of users"
Jens Begemann
Perhaps they use World of Warcraft compatible computers from U.S. companies like:
HP ** - "Second quarter net revenue of $30.7 billion"
** The current HP CEO is Meg Whitman (R).
Dell - "Revenue of $62.1 billion for the fiscal year"
Apple - "quarterly revenue of $35.0 billion"
And what about that software company that has their Windows operating system running on the bulk of those computers?
Microsoft - "quarterly revenue of $18.06 billion"
Finally, what about the companies that connect millions of online gamers together?
Like the cable industry?
Cable Industry Revenue 2011:
$38,310,000,000 - All Other Revenue
Was it not conventional political wisdom, that taking pot shots at the revenue streams of large corporations is not a good idea?
"You are fools."
Perhaps the technologically inept individual that thought up the World of Warcraft attack, should look up "infrastructure" and "collateral damage."
Infrastructure - "the basic, underlying framework or features of a system or organization."
Collateral Damage - "Collateral damage occurs when something incidental to the intended target is damaged during an attack."
And he should also look up World of Warcraft's customers.
Such as Chuck Norris (R):
You're interfering with Mr. Norris's revenue stream too. Bad idea.
"The billionaire philanthropist said there are lessons to be learned from the enthusiasm kids have when playing video games, including that winning can be a motivator and that students should be able to move to the next level when ready.
“We’re not saying the whole curriculum turns into this big game. We’re saying it’s an adjunct to a serious curriculum”"
Bill Gates: Getting schools into the game to engage students
Addendum 13 November 2012
The voting is over, and MMORPG won.
Maine State Senator Playing Orc on World of Warcraft Elected Despite Opponents Attacks On Her Gaming Hobby
For the slightly tongue in check analysis:
How The Republican Party Should Have Attacked Colleen Lachowicz
Colleen Lachowicz, Maine's World of Warcraft-Playing State Senate Candidate, Wins Office
The British weighed in, apparently having some deep seated European connection with dragons.
Democrat candidate attacked for having 'disturbing double life' as an orc assassin in World of Warcraft wins key battleground district
This election was the hard mode way to score a reward:
As a voting demographic, WoW subscriptions slipped to 9.1 million from 10.2 million.
Technorati Profile
EventHorizon1984 Log
Posted at 16:04 in Business, Commentary, Fantasy and Science Fiction, Games, MicroSoft, Web/Tech | Permalink
Tags: Activision, Apple, BBC, Blizzard, Candidate's Bizarre Double Life Raises Questions, Chuck Norris, cnet, Colleen Lachowicz, Colleen's World, Comedy Central, Dana Hernandez, District 25, Forbes, G4TV, gamers, GOP, HP, Maine, Microsoft, ORc, politics, Senate, Thomas Martin, World of Warcraft, WoW
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